97 Yuichiro Nishizawa*, Yuji Sato, Ryuji Namioka, Daisuke Suzuki*
“ Interfacial Electrokinetic Phenomena of Thermoresponsive Microgels with a Spatial Gradient of Charged Groups”
Langmuir, accepted (2025)
*Invited article for special issue “Highlighting Contributions from our Editorial Board members in 2024” -
98. 共同研究論文, submitted.
97. Kureha et al., submitted.
96. Yuichiro Nishizawa*, Masataka Uchida, Natsuki Watanabe, Feng-Yueh, Chan. Christian Ganser, Takeshi Kawasaki, Yuma Sasaki, Daisuke Suzuki, Takayuki Uchihashi*
“ Deformation behavior of microparticle-based polymer films visualized by AFM equipped with stretching device”
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16, pp63073-63082 (2024) -
95. Daisuke Suzuki,* Haruka Minato, Yuji Sato, Ryuji Namioka, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Risako Shibata and Yuya Oaki*
“ Machine-Learning-Assisted Prediction of the Size of Microgels Prepared by Aqueous Precipitation Polymerization ”
Chemical Communications, 60, pp13678-13681 (2024)*Selected as outside front cover
94. Yuji Sato, Ryuji Namioka, Yuichiro Nishizawa* and Daisuke Suzuki*
“Structural evolution of microgels during precipitation polymerization revealed by light scattering and electrophoresis”
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 240024 (2024)
*Invited article for special issue “Dedicated to Prof. Mamoru Nomura” -
93. Yuichiro Nishizawa*, Takumi Inui, Takayuki Uchihashi and Daisuke Suzuki*
“Determination of inhomogeneous deswelling of thermoresponsive poly(N-isopropyl methacrylamide) microgels by combining dynamic light scattering, high speed atomic force microscopy, and electrophoresis”
Polymer Journal, accepted.
*Invited article for special issue “Molecular Picture of Heterogeneity in Polymer Networks: From Thermosetting Polymers to Elastomers and Gels” -
92. Keita Namba, Yuma Sasaki, Yuto Kawamura, Shotaro Yoshida, Yoshiki Hieda, Kazushi Fujimoto, Natsuki Watanabe , Yuichiro Nishizawa, Takayuki Uchihashi, Daisuke Suzuki* and Takuma Kureha*
“Nanoscale Structures of Tough Microparticle-based Films investigated by Synchrotron X-ray Scattering and All Atom Molecular Dynamics Simulation”Langmuir, 40, pp22614–22626, (2024)
91. Yuma Sasaki, Yuichiro Nishizawa, Natsuki Watanabe, Takayuki Uchihashi and Daisuke Suzuki*
“Elastomer particle monolayers formed by the compression of poly(methyl acrylate) microparticles at an air/water interface”
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 46, 2400604 (2025).
*Invited article -
90. Takahisa Kawamoto, Haruka Minato, Daisuke Suzuki*
“Relationship between π-A isotherms and single microgel/microgel array structures revealed via the direct visualization of microgels at the air/water interface”
Soft Matter, 20, pp5836-5847, (2024).*Invited article for special issue “ Exploring Polymer Networks: Properties, Applications, and Sustainable Solutions“
89. Haruka Minato, Satoki Ushida, Kentaro Yokouchi, Daisuke Suzuki*
“Multi-layer Core/Shell Microgels with Internal Complexity and their Nanocomposites”
Chemical Communications, 60, pp1630-1633, (2024). -
88. Atsushi Yamamoto, Takumi Inui, Daisuke Suzuki,* Kenji Urayama*
“Stress-Independent Delay Time in Yielding of Dilute Colloidal Gels”
Soft Matter, 19, pp9082-9091, (2023).
87. Takahisa Kawamoto, Kohei Yanagi, Yuichiro Nishizawa, Haruka Minato, Daisuke Suzuki*
” The compression of deformed microgels at an air/water interface “
Chemical Communications, 59, pp13289-13292, (2023). -
86. Yuma Sasaki, Yuichiro Nishizawa, Takumi Watanabe, Takuma Kureha, Kazuya Uenishi, Kazuko Nakazono, Toshikazu Takata, Daisuke Suzuki*
“Nanoparticle-based Tough Polymers with Crack-propagation Resistance”
Langmuir, 39, 26, pp9262-9272, (2023).*Selected as supplementary cover.
*信州大学繊維学部プレスリリース (2023.6.19掲載)
*国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構(JST) プレスリリース(2023.6.17掲載)
*横浜ゴム株式会社プレスリリース (2023.6.23掲載)
*化学工業日報に紹介されました (2023.6.19掲載)
*日本経済新聞に紹介されました (2023.6.23掲載)
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*株式新聞に紹介されました (2023.6.26掲載)
*THE MOTOR WEEKLYに紹介されました (2023.6.26掲載)
*日刊工業新聞に紹介されました (2023.6.26掲載)
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*HEAD TOPICSに紹介されました (2023.6.26掲載)
*WEALTH ADVISORに紹介されました (2023.6.26掲載)
*Automotive media Responseに紹介されました (2023.6.26掲載)
*Motor-Fan TECHに紹介されました (2023.6.26掲載)
*EurekAlert! NEWS RELEASEに紹介されました(2023.7.12掲載)
*コンバーテック7月号に紹介されました (2023.7.15掲載)
*Science Japanに紹介されました(2023.8.4掲載)
85. Yuichiro Nishizawa†, Hiroki Yokoi†, Takayuki Uchihashi*, Daisuke Suzuki*
“Single microgel degradation governed by heterogeneous nanostructures”
Soft Matter, 19, pp5068-5075, (2023).*Selected as inside front cover
*信州大学 繊維学部 プレスリリース (2023.6.12掲載)
*EurekAlert! NEWS RELEASEに紹介されました(2023.6.14掲載)
84. Takumi Watanabe‡, Haruka Minato‡, Yuma Sasaki, Seina Hiroshige, Hayato Suzuki, Nahomi Matsuki, Koki Sano, Takeshi Wakiya, Yuichiro Nishizawa, Takayuki Uchihashi, Takuma Kureha, Mitsuhiro Shibayama, Toshikazu Takata, Daisuke Suzuki*
“Closed-loop Recycling of Microparticle-based Polymers”
Green Chemistry, 25, pp3418–3424, (2023)*信州大学 繊維学部に プレスリリース(2023.3.22掲載)
*国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構(JST) プレスリリース(2023.3.22掲載)
*EurekAlert! NEWS RELEASEに紹介されました(2023.3.22掲載)
*日刊自動車新聞 電子版に紹介されました(2023.4.3掲載)
*NIKKEI Tech Foresightに紹介されました(2023.4.7掲載)
*Science Japanに紹介されました(2023.5.22掲載)
83. Yuichiro Nishizawa, Takumi Inui, Ryuji Namioka, Takayuki Uchihashi, Takumi Watanabe, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Clarification of surface deswelling of thermo-responsive microgels by electrophoresis”
Langmuir, 38, 51, pp16084–16093, (2022)
82. Yuichiro Nishizawa#, Takumi Watanabe#, Tetsuya Noguchi, Masaya Takizawa, Chihong Song, Kazuyoshi Murata, Haruka Minato, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Durable Gelfoams Stabilized by Compressible Nanocomposite Microgels”
Chemical Communications, 58, pp12927-12930 (2022). -
81. Haruka Minato, Yuma Sasaki, Kenshiro Honda, Takumi Watanabe, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Adsorption Races of Binary Colloids with Different Softness at the Air/water Interface of Sessile Droplets”
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9, 2200879 (2022).
80. Yuichiro Nishizawa, Kenshiro Honda, Matthias Karg, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Controlling the shell structure of hard core/hydrogel shell microspheres”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 300, pp333-340 (2022).
*Invited article for “special issue in Memory of Prof. Okubo”
79. Kohei Inui, Ikuma Saito, Ryo Yoshida, Haruka Minato, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“High-Frequency Swelling/Deswelling Oscillation of Poly(Oligoethylene Glycol) Methacrylate Based Hydrogel Microspheres with a Tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)ruthenium Catalyst”
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 3, pp3298-3306 (2021).
78. Yuma Sasaki, Seina Hiroshige, Masaya Takizawa, Yuichiro Nishizawa, Takayuki Uchihashi, Haruka Minato, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Non-close-packed arrangement of soft elastomer microspheres on solid substrates”
RSC Advances, 11, pp14562-14567 (2021).
77. Yuichiro Nishizawa, Haruka Minato, Takumi Inui, Ikuma Saito, Takuma Kureha, Mitsuhiro Shibayama, Takayuki Uchihashi*, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Nanostructure and thermoresponsiveness of poly(N-isopropyl methacrylamide)-based hydrogel microspheres prepared via aqueous free radical precipitation polymerization”
RSC Advances, 11, pp13130-13137 (2021).
76. Yuichiro Nishizawa, Haruka Minato, Takumi Inui, Takayuki Uchihashi*, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Nanostructures, Thermoresponsiveness, and Assembly Mechanism of Hydrogel Microspheres during Aqueous Free-Radical Precipitation Polymerization”
Langmuir, 37 pp151-159 (2021).*EurekAlert! NEWS RELEASEに紹介されました(2021.3.2掲載)
75. Seina Hiroshige, Haruka Minato, Yuichiro Nishizawa, Yuma Sasaki, Takuma Kureha, Mitsuhiro Shibayama, Kazuya, Uenishi, Toshikazu Takata*, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Temperature-dependent Relationship between the Structure and Mechanical Strength of Volatile Organic Compound-free Latex Films Prepared from Poly(butyl acrylate-co-methyl methacrylate) Microspheres”
Polymer Journal, 53, pp345-353 (2021).
*Featured Articles – February 2021 –
74. Saori Minami, Takumi Watanabe, Yuma Sasaki, Haruka Minato, Atsushi Yamamoto, Daisuke Suzuki*,Kenji Urayama*:
“Two-Step Yielding Behavior of Densely Packed Microgel Mixtures with Chemically Dissimilar Surfaces and Largely Different Sizes”
Soft Matter, 16 pp7400-7413 (2020)
73. Haruka Minato, Yuichiro Nishizawa, Takayuki Uchihashi*, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Thermo-responsive structural changes of single poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide) hydrogel microspheres under densely packed conditions on a solid substrate”
Polymer Journal, 52, pp1137-1141 (2020)
*Highlighted in EurekAlert! “Polymerization process of hydrogel microspheres on video”
72. Takuma Kureha, Seina Hiroshige, Daisuke Suzuki, Jun Sawada, Daisuke Aoki, Toshikazu Takata, Mitsuhiro Shibayama*:
“Quantification for the Mixing of Polymers on Microspheres in Water-borne Latex Films”
Langmuir, 36, pp4855-4862 (2020)
71. Kohei Inui, Takumi Watanabe, Haruka Minato, Shusuke Matsui, Keito Ishikawa, Ryo Yoshida, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“The Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction in Thermoresponsive Core-Shell Hydrogel Microspheres with a Tris (2,2’- bipyridyl) ruthenium Catalyst in the Core”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124, pp3828-3835 (2020)
70. Takumi Watanabe, Yuichiro Nishizawa, Haruka Minato, Chihong Song, Kazuyoshi Murata*, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Hydrophobic monomers recognize microenvironments in hydrogel microspheres during free radical seeded emulsion polymerization”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 59, pp8849-8853 (2020)
*Selected as hot paper and outside front cover
69. Saori Minami, Atsushi Yamamoto, Shun Oura, Takumi Watanabe, Daisuke Suzuki*, Kenji Urayama*:
“Criteria for Colloidal Gelation of Thermo-Sensitive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Based Microgels”
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 568, pp165-175 (2020)
68. Shusuke Matsui, Kohei Inui, Yuki Kumai, Ryo Yoshida, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Autonomously Oscillating Hydrogel Microspheres with High-Frequency Swelling/deswelling and Dispersing/flocculating Oscillations”
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 5, pp5615-5622 (2019)
*Invited article for special issue “ Biomaterials Science & Engineering in Japan ”.
67. Shusuke Matsui, Kensuke Hosho, Haruka Minato, Takayuki Uchihashi*, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Protein Uptake into Individual Hydrogel Microspheres Visualized by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy”
Chemical Communications,55, pp10064-10067 (2019)
*Selected as outside front cover
66. Haruka Minato, Masaya Takizawa, Seina Hiroshige, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Effect of Charge Groups Immobilized in Hydrogel Microspheres during the Evaporation of Aqueous Sessile Droplets”
Langmuir, 35, pp10412-10423 (2019)
65. Takuma Kureha, Haruka Minato, Daisuke Suzuki, Kenji Urayama, Mitsuhiro Shibayama*:
“Concentration Dependence of Dynamics for Microgel Suspension Investigated by Dynamic Light Scattering”
Soft Matter, 15, pp5390-5399 (2019)
*Selected as outside front cover
64. Yuichiro Nishizawa, Shusuke Matsui, Kenji Urayama, Takuma Kureha, Mitsuhiro Shibayama, Takayuki Uchihashi*, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Non-Thermoresponsive Decanano-sized Domains in Thermoresponsive Hydrogel Microspheres Revealed by Temperature-Controlled High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 58, pp8809-8813 (2019)*EurekAlert! NEWS RELEASEに紹介されました(2019.3.30掲載)
63. Takumi Watanabe, Masaya Takizawa, Hang Jiang, To Ngai*, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Hydrophobized Nanocomposite Hydrogel Microspheres as Particulate Stabilizers for Water-in-Oil Emulsion”
Chemical Communications, 55, pp5990-5993 (2019)
*Selected as outside front cover
62. Kenshiro Honda, Yuka Sazuka, Kojiro Iizuka, Shusuke Matsui, Takayuki Uchihashi, Takuma Kureha, Mitsuhiro Shibayama, Takumi Watanabe, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Hydrogel Microellipsoids that Form Robust String-like Assemblies at the Air/Water Interface”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 58, pp7294-7298 (2019)
61. Shun Oura, Takumi Watanabe, Haruka Minato, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Impact of Particle Softness on Segregation of Binary Colloidal Suspensions Flowing in Microchannel”
Kobunshi Ronbunshu, 76, pp226-233 (2019) (written in Japanese)
60. Seina Hiroshige, Jun Sawada, Daisuke Aoki, Toshikazu Takata*, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Investigation of mechanical properties of latex films prepared from poly (butyl acrylate-co-methylmethacrylate) microspheres crosslinked with rotaxane”
Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan, 47, pp51-54 (2019). (written in Japanese)
59. Ayaki Nakaishi, Saori Minami, Shun Oura, Takumi Watanabe, Daisuke Suzuki*, Kenji Urayama*:
“Elastic and Flow Properties of Densely Packed Microgel Mixtures with Size- and Stiffness Disparitiess”
Macromolecules, 51, pp9901-9914 (2018)
58. Haruhiko Ishii, Takatsune Narumi*, Daisuke Suzuki, Haruka Minato, Kenji Urayama, Akiomi Ushida, Taisuke Sato:
“Evaluation of deformation characteristics of micron-size hydrogel particles with strain recovery processes”
Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan, 46, pp227-231 (2018) (witten in Japanese)
57. Shusuke Matsui, Yuichiro Nishizawa, Takayuki Uchihashi*, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Monitoring Thermoresponsive Morphological Changes in Individual Hydrogel Microspheres”
ACS Omega, 3, pp10836–10842 (2018).
56. Takumi Watanabe, Chihong Song, Kazuyoshi Murata, Takuma Kureha, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Seeded Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene in the Presence of Water-swollen Hydrogel Microspheres”
Langmuir, 34, pp8571–8580 (2018).
55. Takuma Kureha, Yasuhisa Nagase, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“High Reusability of Catalytically Active Gold Nanoparticles Immobilized in Core-Shell Hydrogel Microspheres”
ACS Omega, 3, pp6158-6165 (2018).
54. Masaya Takizawa, Yuka Sazuka, Koji Horigome, Yuki Sakurai, Shusuke Matsui, Haruka Minato, Takuma Kureha, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Self-organization of Soft Hydrogel Microspheres during the Evaporation of Aqueous Droplets”
Langmuir, 34, pp4515−4525 (2018).
53. Saori Minami, Takumi Watanabe , Daisuke Suzuki*, Kenji Urayama*:
“Viscoelasticity of Dense Suspensions of Thermosensitive Microgel Mixtures Undergoing Colloidal Gelation”
Soft matter, 14, pp1596-1607 (2018).
52. Haruka Minato, Masaki Murai, Takumi Watanabe, Shusuke Matsui, Masaya Takizawa, Takuma Kureha*, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“The Deformation of Hydrogel Microspheres at the Air/Water Interface”
Chemical Communications, 54, pp932-935 (2018).
51. Takuma Kureha, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Nanocomposite Microgels for the Selective Separation of Halogen Compounds from Aqueous Solution”
Langmuir, 34, pp837–846 (2018).
*Invited article for special issue “Early Career Authors in Fundamental Colloid and Interface Science”.
Langmuir, 34, pp727-728 (2018).
50. Takuma Kureha, Yuichiro Nishizawa, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Controlled Separation and Release of Organoiodine Compounds Using Poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate)-analogue Microspheres”
ACS Omega, 2, pp7686-7694 (2017).
49. Takuma Kureha, Daichi Aoki, Seina Hiroshige, Keisuke Iijima, Daisuke Aoki, Toshikazu Takata* Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Decoupled Thermo- and pH-responsive Hydrogel Microspheres Cross-linked by Rotaxane Networks”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56, pp15393-15396 (2017).
*VIP(Very Important Paper)に選出
48. Shusuke Matsui, Takuma Kureha, Seina Hiroshige, Mikihiro Shibata, Takayuki Uchihashi* Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Fast Adsorption of Soft Hydrogel Microspheres on Solid Surfaces in Aqueous Solution”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56, pp12146 -12149 (2017).
47. Seina Hiroshige, Takuma Kureha, Daichi Aoki, Jun Sawada, Daisuke Aoki, Toshikazu Takata*, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Formation of Tough Films by Evaporation of Water from Dispersions of Elastomer Microspheres Crosslinked with Rotaxane Supramolecules”
Chemistry – A European Journal, 23, pp8405-8408 (2017).
46. Takuma Kureha, Seina Hiroshige, Shusuke Matsui, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Water-immiscible bioinert coatings and film formation from aqueous dispersions of poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate) microspheres”
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 155, pp166-172 (2017).
*Highlighted in Advances in Engineering
45. Takumi Watanabe, Chiaki Kobayashi, Chihong Song, Kazuyoshi Murata, Takuma Kureha, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Impact of Spatial Distribution of Charged Groups in Core Poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide)-Based Microgels on the Resultant Composite Structures Prepared by Seeded Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene”
Langmuir, 32, pp12760-12773 (2016).
44. Saori Minami, Takumi Watanabe , Daisuke Suzuki*, Kenji Urayama*:
“Rheological Properties of Suspensions of Thermo-responsive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgels Undergoing Volume Phase Transition”
Polymer Journal, 48, pp1079-1086 (2016).
43. Takuma Kureha, Takahisa Shibamoto, Shusuke Matsui, Takaaki Sato, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Investigation of Changes in the Microscopic Structure of Anionic Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-Acrylic acid) Microgels in the Presence of Cationic Organic Dyes toward Precisely Controlled Uptake/Release of Low-molecular-weight Chemical Compound”
Langmuir, 32, pp4575-4585 (2016).
42. Chiaki Kobayashi, Takumi Watanabe, Kazuyoshi Murata, Takuma Kureha, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Localization of Polystyrene Particles on the Surface of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-methacrylic acid) Microgels Prepared by Seeded Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene”
Langmuir, 32, pp1429-1439(2016).
41. Koji Horigome, Takeshi Ueki, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Direct Visualization of Swollen Microgels by Scanning Electron Microscopy Using Ionic Liquids”
Polymer Journal, 48, pp273-279(2016).
40. Daisuke Suzuki, Kiyoshi Shibata, Akira Tsuchida, Tsuneo Okubo*:
“Thermo-sensitive Colloidal Crystals Composed of Monodisperse Colloidal Silica- and Poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide) Gel-Spheres”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 293, pp2763-2769 (2015).
39. Shusuke Matsui, Takuma Kureha, Yasuhisa Nagase, Kosuke Okeyoshi, Ryo Yoshida, Takaaki Sato, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Small-angle X-ray Scattering Study on Internal Microscopic Structures of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-tris(2,2′-bipyridyl))ruthenium(II) Complex Microgels”
Langmuir, 31, pp7228-7237 (2015).
38. Kenji Urayama*, Taku Saeki, Shen Cong, Shota Uratani, Toshikazu Takigawa, Masaki Murai, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“A Simple Feature of Yielding Behavior of Highly Dense Suspensions of Soft Micro-hydrogel Particles”
Soft Matter, 10, pp9486-9495(2014).
37. Takuma Kureha, Takaaki Sato, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Relationship between Temperature-Induced Changes in Internal Microscopic Structures of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgels and Organic Dye Uptake Behavior”
Langmuir, 30, pp8717-8725 (2014).
36. Daisuke Suzuki*, Chiaki Kobayashi:
“Raspberry-shaped Composite Microgel Synthesis by Seeded Emulsion Polymerization with Hydrogel Particles”
Langmuir, 30, pp7085-7092 (2014).
35. Daisuke Suzuki*, Yasuhisa Nagase, Takuma Kureha, Takaaki Sato:
“Internal Structures of Thermosensitive Hybrid Microgels Investigated by Means of Small-Angle X-ray Scattering”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118, pp2194-2204 (2014).
34. Daisuke Suzuki*, Tomoyo Yamagata, Masaki Murai:
“Multilayered Composite Microgels Synthesized by Surfactant-Free Seeded Polymerization”
Langmuir, 29, pp10579-10585 (2013).
33. Daisuke Suzuki*, Koji Horigome:
“Assembly of Oppositely Charged Microgels at the Air/Water Interface”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117, pp9073-9082(2013).
32. Tsuneo Okubo*, Daisuke Suzuki:
“Rigidity of the Crystals of Thermo-sensitive Gel Spheres of Poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) in the Deionized Aqueous Media as Studied by the Reflection Spectroscopy in the Sedimentation Equilibrium”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 291, pp1721-1727 (2013).
31. Tsuneo Okubo*, Daisuke Suzuki, Akira Tsuchida:
“Crystal Structure of Thermosensitive Gel Spheres of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) in the Deionized Aqueous Suspension as Studied by the Static Light-scattering Measurements”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 291, pp661-668 (2013).
30. Tsuneo Okubo*, Daisuke Suzuki, Akira Tsuchida:
“Drying Dissipative Structures of Thermo-sensitive Gel Spheres of Poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide). Influence of Gel Size”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 290, pp1901-1911 (2012).
29. Daisuke Suzuki*, Takeshi Kobayashi, Ryo Yoshida, Toshihiro Hirai:
“Soft Actuators of Organized Self-Oscillating Microgels”
Soft Matter, 8, pp11447-11449(2012).
28. Koji Horigome and Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Drying Mechanism ofPoly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgel Dispersions”
Langmuir, 28, pp12962-12970 (2012).
27. Tsuneo Okubo*, Daisuke Suzuki, Kiyoshi Shibata, Akira Tsuchida:
“Kinetic Studies of Colloidal Crystallization of Thermo-sensitive Gel Spheres of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 290, pp1403-1412 (2012).
26. Daisuke Suzuki*, Shohei Yamakawa:
“Hydrogel Particles as a Particulate Stabilizer for Dispersion Polymerization”
Langmuir, 28, pp10629-10634 (2012).
25. Tsuneo Okubo*, Daisuke Suzuki, Akira Tsuchida:
“Drying Dissipative Structures of Thermo-sensitive Gel Spheres of Poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide). Influence of Degree of Cross-linking of the Gels”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 290, pp867-877 (2012).
23. Kosuke Okeyoshi, Daisuke Suzuki, Ryo Yoshida*:
“Effect of Nanointegration on Photoinduced Hydrogen-Generating Nanogel Systems”
Langmuir, 28, pp1539-1544 (2012).
22. Daisuke Suzuki, Tomoyo Yamagata, Koji Horigome, Kiyoshi Shibata, Akira Tsuchida, Tsuneo Okubo*:
“Colloidal Crystallization of Thermo-sensitive Gel Spheres of Poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide). Influence of Gel Size”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 290, pp107-117 (2012).
24. Tsuneo Okubo*, Daisuke Suzuki, Akira Tsuchida:
“Drying Dissipative Structures of Thermo-sensitive Gel Spheres of Poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) with Low Degree of Cross-linking”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 290, pp411-421 (2012).
21. Daisuke Suzuki*, Koji Horigome:
“Binary Mixtures of Cationic and Anionic Microgels”
Langmuir, 27, pp12368-12374 (2011).
20. Daisuke Suzuki, Koji Horigome, Tomoyo Yamagata, Kiyoshi Shibata, Akira Tsuchida, Tsuneo Okubo*:
“Colloidal Crystallization of Thermo-sensitive Gel Spheres of Poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide). Influence of Degree of Cross-linking of the Gels”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 289, pp1799-1808 (2011).
19. Tsuneo Okubo*, Daisuke Suzuki, Tomoyo Yamagata, Koji Horigome, Kiyoshi Shibata, Akira Tsuchida:
“Colloidal Crystallization of Thermo-sensitive Gel Spheres of Poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide) with Low Degree of Cross-linking”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 289, pp1273-1281 (2011).
18. Tsuneo Okubo*, Daisuke Suzuki, Tomoyo Yamagata, Akihiro Katsuno, Masashi Mizutani, Hiroshi Kimura, Akira Tsuchida:
“Drying Dissipative Structures of Thermo-sensitive Gel Spheres of Poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide)”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 289, pp807-816 (2011).
17. Yoshitaka Umeda, Takeshi Kobayashi, Toshihiro Hirai, Daisuke Suzuki*:
“Effects of pH and Temperature on Assembly of Multiresponsive Janus Microgels”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 289, pp729-737 (2011).
*Special issue“Smart Gels”
16. Tsuneo Okubo*, Daisuke Suzuki, Tomoyo Yamagata, Akihiro Katsuno, Mikito Sakurai, Hiroshi Kimura, Akira Tsuchida:
“Colloidal Crystallization of Thermo-sensitive Gel Spheres of Poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide)”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 289, pp291-299 (2011).
15. Kosuke Okeyoshi, Daisuke Suzuki, Akihiro Kishimura, Ryo Yoshida*:
“Photo-induced Hydrogen-Generationg Nanogel Systems”
Small, 7, pp311-315 (2011).
14. Daisuke Suzuki*, Ryo Yoshida*:
“Self-Oscillating Core/shell Microgels: Effect of a Crosslinked Nanoshell on Autonomous Oscillation of the Core”
Polymer Journal, 42, pp501-508 (2010).
*Polymer Journal賞―日本ゼオン賞受賞論文
Polymer Journal, 43, pp581-582 (2011)
13. Hajime Taniguchi, Daisuke Suzuki*, Ryo Yoshida*:
“Characterization of Autonomously Oscillating Viscosity Induced by Swelling/Deswelling Oscillation of the Microgels”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114, pp2405-2410 (2010).
12. Daisuke Suzuki*, Hajime Taniguchi, Ryo Yoshida*:
“Autonomously Oscillating Viscosity in Microgel Dispersions”
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131, pp12058-12059 (2009).
*Highlighted in Nature Asia Materials “Intelligent microgels: Pulsing polymer”
11. Daisuke Suzuki, Ryo Yoshida*:
“Effect of Initial Substrate Concentration of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction on Self-Oscillation for Microgel System”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112, pp12618-12624 (2008).
10. Daisuke Suzuki, Ryo Yoshida*:
“Temporal Control of Self-Oscillation for Microgels by Cross-linking Network Structure”
Macromolecules, 41, pp5830-5838 (2008).
09. Daisuke Suzuki, Takamasa Sakai, Ryo Yoshida*:
“Self-Flocculating/Self-Dispersing Oscillation of Microgels”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 47, pp917-920 (2008).
*Highlighted in Nature Materials “Microgels in motion”
Nature Materials, 7, pp95 (2008)
08. Daisuke Suzuki, Sakiko Tsuji, Haruma Kawaguchi*:
“Janus Microgels Prepared by Surfactant-Free Pickering Emulsion-Based Modification and Their Self-Assembly”
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129, pp8088-8089 (2007).
07. Daisuke Suzuki, Jonathan G. McGrath, Haruma Kawaguchi, L. Andrew Lyon*:
“Colloidal Crystals of Thermosensitive, Core/Shell Hybrid Microgels”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111, pp5667-5672 (2007).
06. Daisuke Suzuki, Haruma Kawaguchi*:
“Janus Particles with a Functional Gold Surface for Control of Surface Plasmon Resonance”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 284, pp1471-1476 (2006).
05. Daisuke Suzuki, Haruma Kawaguchi*:
“Stimuli-Sensitive Core/Shell Template Particles for Immobilizing Inorganic Nanoparticles in the Core”
Colloid and Polymer Science, 284, pp1443-1451 (2006).
04. Daisuke Suzuki, Haruma Kawaguchi*:
“Hybrid Microgels with Reversibly Changeable Multiple Brilliant Color”,
Langmuir, 22, pp3818-3822 (2006).
*Highlighted in Photonic spectra ”Nanoparticle-Loaded Thermosensitive Microgel Changes Color”
PHOTONIC SPECTRA, 40, pp117-118 (2006)
03. Daisuke Suzuki, Haruma Kawaguchi*:
“Gold Nanoparticle Localization at the Core Surface by Using Thermosensitive Core-Shell Particles as a Template”,
Langmuir, 21, pp12016-12024 (2005).
02. Daisuke Suzuki, Haruma Kawaguchi*:
“Modification of Gold Nanoparticle Composite Nanostructures Using Thermosensitive Core-Shell Particles as a Template”,
Langmuir, 21, pp8175-8179 (2005).
01. Daisuke Suzuki, Sakiko Tsuji, Haruma Kawaguchi*:
“Development of Anisotropic Thermo-Sensitive Hairy Particles Using Living Radial Graft Polymerization”
Chemistry Letters, 34, pp242-243 (2005).